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19 December 2022
Darren Werner

More Dized Content for Tiny Epic Dungeons!

Some exciting news today. After the well received Play-Along Tutorial for Tiny Epic Dungeons, we’ve been waiting for a great opportunity to expand the Dized Content with a digital add-on (called an Extra on Dized).

For our first Dized Extra we decided to start with a simple one: Hero’s Companion! This Extra allows you to use your smart device (or a computer) as your Hero Mat, and you’ll be able to track your Hero’s stats (Health & Focus) and roll the dice. It’s a helpful tool if your stat markers tend to move out of place, or you have limited table space and have to roll the dice over the game components. The dice roller also helps you figure out your focus point usage and the stat bonuses afterwards!

This digital extra also allows you to play as any of the 8 heroes from Tiny Epic Dungeons Stories expansion. And as usual, Dized is also a quick way to check the digital Rules!

The add-on is live now and potentially it’s one of many to come. We are of course interested in what sort of digital add-ons would you like to see in the future?

What is Dized?

In case you haven’t yet used Dized, it is a digital companion for tabletop games. The tutorials on Dized teaches you the game while you play, something that’s been available for Tiny Epic Dungeons from the beginning! This is especially great for those of you who prefer getting into the playing part sooner and learn the game while you play. In addition Dized also has the full game rules with a built-in FAQ available, if you need to check some rules later on.

Additionally, Dized also hosts digital add-ons and extras for games. They can be simple mechanics that replace the analog counterparts or full blown expansions for titles.

These expansions are available for subscribers of Dized+ (or they can be purchased separately).

Dized+ Offer for Gamelyn Backers

Dized is now launching their subscription service Dized+, which brings an ad-free experience, full access to Extras and other content to the subscribing users. They reached out to us with a special offer for our backers.

The Dized+ 12 month subscription is discounted to $19.99 till the end of the year, but you can get an additional $5 off with the code TINYEPICBACKER. The offer is valid until the end of the year and can be used in the Dized Gift Shop at

You can get Dized+ for yourself or as a gift for someone. Dized+ gives full and ad-free access to all our current and future Dized Content!

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