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18 November 2021
Michael Coe

☠️Tiny Epic Pirates Review Week☠️ with AdventuresWithKathryn

Game Overview
In Tiny Epic Pirates, you are a Captain of a ship with the goal of burying treasures in island hideaways.

Each turn your captain moves from action to action (Plunder, Trade, Crew Up, Attack, or Search) using the rondel mechanism & also sail your ship to new locations. Each player has a random order for their actions created at the beginning of the game.

Each action will allow you to do one of the following tasks; acquire new booty from various settlements, sell your booty for the market price (be careful when an item sells to market the price drops), gain new crew members or switch them out, attack enemy ships or even the cargo ships transporting goods & search the open seas for goods & a place to bury your treasure.

Once one player has buried 3 treasures the end of the game is triggered. This player wins the game.

Big Kids Thoughts
Nixson: Tiny Epic Pirates is one of the more complicated games by @gamelyngames, but this just adds to the fun! The random setup of the game allows for high replayability because each game needs a different strategy to play through. The tiny epic series of games having such small boxes are great because we can fit more games on the shelf, the more the merrier !!

Summer: Tiny Epic Pirates is a good family game for families with older children. Once everyone learns the rules the turns start to move faster & you can get through the game with ease. I like that the market changes throughout the game. You can really mess up someone’s plan by selling one item that their ship is filled with.

Parent Thoughts
Don’t let the small box of this game fool you, Tiny Epic Pirates like most of the Gamelyn Games is packed full of great components & gameplay that brings you back for more over and over again. We love a good strategy game, but sometimes I find myself using the same route to victory each game. The random setup of the market & player boards make the gameplay dynamic and changes every time. In my opinion, this is one of the more complex of the tiny epic Games, so I think you definitely need older children to fully enjoy this game, it played great as a 2 player adult-only game!!

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