Designed by Scott Almes. Published by Gamelyn Games. For 1-4 players.
Was I right? Is this game as epic as I was hoping it would be? Is there enough content in the box to keep me satisfied? Do I really need the potions or the stories expansions? Let’s explore these questions further…
My tips for beating the game, in my limited experience, are to get as many items or spells that work well with the characters you are playing (i.e. more spells for witch or wizards, more armour and strong weapons for warriors/sword fighters, etc) and if you can get some armour sets that work with each other to give benefits (this can be hard to do at low player counts though but, you do have the option of playing as 2 characters each if you wish) whilst also making sure that you do not kill minions at inopportune times as they move you up the torch track by 6 spaces so it can be a waste if you only move the tracker up by for example 3 spaces near the start of your game as you cannot move past the point where the torch started in your game. Also, keep an eye on your “energy” for each of your heroes as keeping this high allows you to pull off your best moves and attacks.

There are some negatives with this game as you may expect. If you only have the base game then you will only get 6 goblins and these come out a lot. You can guarantee that each game you will have to shuffle the killed goblin stack at least once to refill and this can mean that there is not much variety in these enemies. As mentioned before the game can be a bit hard which may not be to everyone’s liking. My biggest thing of note is that I worry that after playing another 3/4 times the game may start to become a little samey; open up tiles, kill the same goblins, kill some minions and then kill the boss.
Was I right (to think the game looked like a lot of fun)? Yes, it is super fun especially when you can play the expansions as a Kick-ass Panda
Is this game as epic as I was hoping it would be? Yes, and more than I expected it would be for such a small offering
Is there enough content in the box to keep me satisfied? Not unless you get the expansions and I recommend getting both. The base game alone could get stale quickly but, the base game does include 8 heroes and 6 bosses which is plenty to get you started.
Do I really need the potions or the stories expansions? Most definitely, they add excellent new mechanics, loads more variability, more heroes, more bosses – what’s not to like???

Final Score (base game only): 8/10
Final Score (with expansions): 9/10
Overview: “A wonderful small parcel that proves the saying that good things come in small packages. This game is way more fun than it has any right to be. How can you fit so much awesome into such a small box??? As someone with an interest in how game design works I am staggered at how amazingly well this all comes together. This game is cheap, takes up hardly any space in the box, and is awesome fun for solo or group play. Go get it, and get all the expansions. If you enjoy a bit of a challenge that is”

See you soon my fellow goblins in the tiny but, very epic dungeon. Try not to let the light run out, your friendly Panda Playing DB.