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25 August 2021

Gameboardmaster Tiny Epic Tactics Review

This weeks boardgame mechanics is “area control” chosen by @start2game

Seems like I post a lot about Tiny Epic tactics from @gamelyngames but it just has everything in a tiny package

Your forces will attempt to control 3 areas of the realm. Once all three areas are taken; the game is over. Each flag will give 5vp to the player that got it.

This game never fails to amaze me. As a solo gamer, you move through the 3-dimensional board game entering dungeons and collecting crystals. If you collect all the crystals before time runs out you win. But if time runs out and you don’t collect all the crystals or all your units get captured by the enemy you lose. I added my dice tower from @plasticandpapershop just to make it even more dramatic gameplay. It really went well with the theme 😍.


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