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15 August 2022
Michael Coe

How is your Poker Face?

🎰 How’s your poker face?

🎰 Tiny Epic Western published by @gamelyngames uses a cool mix of poker cards and worker placement to create a fun game 😁

🎰 After a few plays, it’s time to share a #firstimpressionsfriday🎲 post about this game.

🎰 Well, my poker game isn’t good and I’ve never won in this game. Of course there is some luck involved as cards are dealt randomly, but there is a worker spot to alter your hand. Despite never winning, I really like this game. It is a unique combo and the asymmetrical boss cards keep it interesting. The end scoring is determined during the game which keeps it engaging until the end. As always, a lot of game packed in a small box!

🎰 #firstimpressionsfriday🎲 was started by @kay_plays_games to share first ideas about a game.

Check out some other first impressions @

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