GAMELYN GAMES IS MOVING WAREHOUSES ------> Our Webstore will be back up August 15th. GET NOTIFIED ON LAUNCH
19 August 2021

Progress report for Tiny Epic Dungeon’s

I hope you’ve all been doing well and playing awesome games! In today’s update, I’ll be sharing news on the progress of production, as well as the status of the CrowdOx preorders for out-of-stock Tiny Epic games and Dungeon Heroes. I also have some news regarding the hero dice and lastly, the Story of Nili Songheart!

First up…

Project Progress Report

Our production schedule is right on track! I have received confirmation that production will conclude this month and that I will be receiving the advance copies of all Tiny Epic Dungeons products in the first week of September. That means Honorary Producers will likely be receiving their advance copies of the game earlier than originally planned. So far, so good! The big question remains the state of freight shipping products out of China.

As I mentioned in the last update, moving products out of China has become problematic and it still is. Not only have costs ballooned but there are fewer containers and fewer ships available. This could result in the delivery of the game being delayed. I’m remaining optimistic though. I always build in a buffer with estimated project delivery and with production having gone smoothly, we’re still in good shape for an on-time or close to on-time delivery.

Below is our current estimated timeline for the project. This timeline has remained consistent with previous updates, but if a delay in project delivery becomes unavoidable, I will provide an updated timeline as soon as possible.

Project Estimated Timeline

  •  August 2021 – Production completion + mass-production sample approvals (all Tiny Epic Dungeons products approved for assembly).
  •  September 2021 – Assembly completion + Freight scheduled + Honorary Producer advance copies sent out.
  •  October 2021 – Finalize backer fulfillment data + Freight departure for all warehouses.
  •  November 2021 – Freight arrival at all warehouses + Product receiving and preparing + Prepare backer rewards for fulfillment.
  •  December 2021 – All warehouses begin fulfillment of backer rewards.
  •  January 2022 – All warehouses conclude fulfillment of backer rewards.

CrowdOx Preorders Status: 1 Month Delay

Unfortunately, there is a delay in delivering pre-orders for out-of-stock Tiny Epic games and Dungeon Heroes. I did not build in a buffer for this timeline and I’m sorry to report that we were not able to secure a ship out of China to deliver these pre-orders on time.  With that said, the games are scheduled to leave China soon and our warehouse should be able to fulfill your orders by the end of September. I greatly appreciate your patience and understanding regarding this issue.

Hero Dice

For those of you who follow along in the comments, it is not news that the hero dice I showed in the last update were heavily disliked. I have received that feedback openly and have acted upon it. Fortunately, I was able to submit the change request to the factory before the dice were produced and they were able to make the change I requested. Thank you for all the feedback!

Please see the brand new hero dice below!

Thanks again for your feedback and for helping make this game the best it can be!

Nili Songheart, Halfling Bard

Clotho and Zezili are also featured in Tiny Epic Tactics. Laelithar is featured in both Tiny Epic Tactics and Heroes of Land, Air & Sea. And, Randal can be found in Tiny Epic Defenders!

Late pledge


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