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16 August 2021

Tabletop Mischief Cinematic Tiny Epic Pirates Setup

Tiny Epic Pirates
By: @gamelyngames

1-4 Players
14+ Age
45 – 60 minutes

Control a pirate captain in the swashbuckling days of yore. Guide your ship and crew through the unforgiving seas in search of fame and fortune.

I have had my eye on it, since they announced it, and let me tell you, I was not disappointed. I have no idea how they packed so much game into such a small box. So much fun. You are going to decide which captain’s order you want to use on your turn, using your deckhands and captain to select the one you want. This is such a cool mechanic. If you want to skip an order you need to use a deckhand to skip the order, so you have to be smart about which you choose. Sail your ship around the sea but be careful with the storms and how close to the navy ship you are. Collect resources and trade them when they are highest in the market or you could have a ship of low gold. Missed your chance to plunder? Well, you can always attack the merchant ships and take their cargo. Finally, you want to bury your treasure, and the first person to bury 3 wins the game. So much fun. This is our fav tiny epic game and have been playing it steady since it was sent to us. Again thank you Gamelynn Games for sending this game to us.



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