GAMELYN GAMES IS MOVING WAREHOUSES ------> Our Webstore will be back up August 15th. GET NOTIFIED ON LAUNCH
20 December 2021
Michael Coe

🚢Track The Boat🚢

Good news everyone, ALL Tiny Epic Dungeons products have left the factory! It took a total of 4 forty-foot containers to hold everything. That’s pretty epic for such a tiny game!

2 of the 4 containers are confirmed on the water and in transit to our warehouse. The remaining 2 are at the port waiting for departure. The 2 containers that are on the water are on the cargo ship known as AMERIGO VESPUCCI and have an estimated delivery of January 14th. You can track the ship by clicking the image below.

Click to track the AMERIGO VESPUCCI

The remaining 2 containers are booked to depart on the GRETE MAERSK with an original departure date of today, Dec. 18th, and an estimated delivery date of January 20th. I will provide an update if any of this information changes. You can track this ship by clicking the image below.

Click to track the GRETE MAERSK

Project Estimated Timeline

  •  December 2021 – Freight departure for warehouse.
  •  January 2022 – Freight arrival at warehouse + Product receiving and preparing + Prepare backer rewards for fulfillment + Warehouse to begin fulfillment of backer rewards.
  •  February 2022 – Warehouse to continue and conclude fulfillment of backers rewards.

Dungeon Heroes

Dungeon Heroes has also left the factory and is in one of the containers that will travel on the GRETE MAERSK. Please expect to receive Dungeon Heroes around the same time that you receive Tiny Epic Dungeons.

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