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Tiny Epic Zombies
Outbreak has hit the Echo Ridge Mall. You will need to fight off the zombie hordes and complete objectives to escape. Featuring ITEMeeples and offers 5 play modes
1-5 Players
14+ Age
Tiny Epic Zombies
Outbreak has hit the Echo Ridge Mall. You will need to fight off the zombie hordes and complete objectives to escape. Featuring ITEMeeples and offers 5 play modes
1-5 Players
14+ Age



*Deluxe Kickstarter Edition Includes: 5 Search Cards, 4 Player Cards, 2 Weapon Items, Service Dog Meeple

Unthinkable crisis has struck the Echo Ridge Mall. A mysterious outbreak has claimed the lives of nearly everyone there… what’s worse is they are crawling the stores and commons as Zombies hungry for flesh. Only a few Survivors remain. Are you among the Survivors? Or are you one of the ravenous Zombies? The choice is yours in Tiny Epic Zombies!

Game Design:Scott Almes
Illustrations::Miguel Coimbra


Unthinkable crisis has struck the Echo Ridge Mall. A mysterious outbreak has claimed the lives of nearly everyone there… what’s worse is they are crawling the stores and commons as Zombies hungry for flesh. Only a few Survivors remain. Are you among the Survivors? Or are you one of the ravenous Zombies? The choice is yours in Tiny Epic Zombies!

Good and Bad Fit

Not sure Tiny Epic Zombies is best for you?

Consider if

  • You like collaborating
  • You like killing zombies
  • You like a rich theme


  • Your scared of zombies
  • You get sick easily ;)
Stephen Simonds
Great game! My wife wants to play it all the time. The variations you can make with the game give it a high replayability. There is enough challenge to keep it interesting. It us a very entertaining game and I would recommend it to anyone! :)
2023-10-27 18:47:01
Joe Kowalski
Tiny Epic Zombies is so much fun! We don't have the Deluxe version but the gameplay is fantastic. There is a good amount of random elements via cards and die rolling, but the strategic depth is amazing. We've only played co-op against the automatic zombie, and pretty much every game comes down to the last couple of moves. With a new map and three objectives randomly drawn for each game, and each objective requiring a different approach for success, every game is going to be different and fun. Highly recommended.
2020-12-05 11:03:12
Ziv Nakajima-Magen
Fantastic game, the many co-op, competitive and mix of both options (zombie player) makes it truly versatile, and the theme and race against time/exhaustion makes it truly exciting. The only qualm I’ve got is the limited number of missions/goals, which makes it a tad repetitive after a few games.
2020-11-30 14:59:12
Leonardo Santoso
The only Tiny Epic that has a 1 VS many gameplay. I'm telling you this game really shines if there's someone controlling the zombie. Tiny Epic Zombies have the most gameplay mode available, there are 5 of them, crazy. Once you have tried competitive with zombie players, oh boy it's going to be a backstabbing fest :D. Yes sure the zombie player and the players are not exactly all balance, some are clearly stronger than the other, but who cares, it's still lot's of fun. Oh and although the randomness of this game is set to 4 because of the dice rolling, mission and noise cards, it still a lot of strategic thinking and planning if you want to win. And this goes for both zombie player or the human player (more for the human though). Final thought, this is the best tiny Epic in term of variety, It really is best with at least 3 people it has enough strategy and depth to be interesting but not too heavy that it get's boring, can't recommend it enough.
2020-11-30 10:01:44
Adam Mucha
This is my favourite Tiny Epic game!
2020-11-27 10:32:38

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